nicollage workshops
Duration: 1.5 hr
- Play and print previously coloured papers from Course 1
- Discuss options for repetition and random design ideas
- Combining hard and organic shapes : textures
Material List
- Papers from Course 1 plus extra papers you may still have from course 1
- Fluid Acrylic Paints such as FolkArt / Decor / Dollar store brand
- Good to have : Black : White : Yellow : Blue : red : Raw Umber plus your faves
- Paint brush / palette knife / old credit card / Breyer / sponges / cosmetic sponges / cotton swabs
- Egg carton : stencils : paper tubes : painters tape : potato : celery bottom : corks : lemon/lime/orange (cut in half and dried out for a day) : any other object to try and stamp
- Knife for cutting pattern from potato if using
- Paper towels
- Styrofoam trays for paint mixing
- Plastic tubs for water
- Plastic gloves for hands if desired
- Plastic cloth/Newsprint to cover and protect work surface